Services Layer (MOS) Explained

3 min readDec 8, 2022

Understanding the service layer, we see this is the layer tendoned to build on. first of all let’s look at the concepts of dApps , Vaults, Data and SDKs as these are major components of this layer.

DApp stands for decentralized application. They are digital applications that offer decentralized services, where no third party is required. DApps were first and successfully implemented in cryptocurrencies with the Ethereum blockchain. There are a lot of different DApps. Some are used for decentralized financial services (DeFi), some are used for gaming, exchanging, voting, compiling data, voting, etc. The world of cryptocurrencies has been transformed by the inclusion of DApps. These DApps interact with smart contracts in order to operate without a central authority. These smart contracts are sets of codes that determine how each service is going to run.

The next concept is the Vaults. We are aware MAP Protocol 💙MAPO is much concerned with a secure omnichain infrastructure that is why the vaults are used as compared to standard wallets for storage of assets. A crypto vault is a fortified version of the standard wallet you might use for your regular crypto transactions and storage. The big difference is that a vault offers additional security features. Typically, these include the ability to:
- Add a co-signatory (or signatories) to approve any withdrawal from the vault, so that there is an additional layer of authentication for each transaction.
- Impose a time limit for approval of each withdrawal, and a mandatory delay before funds are released.
A vault can receive cryptocurrency like a normal asset balance in your account, but it can also prevent stored crypto from being immediately withdrawn by adding optional security steps.

Data can be referred to any piece of information you wish to include on the blockchain. Recall MAP Protocol 💙MAPO omnichain infrastructure covers assets and data.

SDKs is the next term. Software development kit, or SDK for short, is sometimes known as devkit. It is a collection of programs and software tools used by programmers to produce apps/dApps for particular platforms.
Libraries, documentation, code samples, procedures, and tutorials are just a few of the things that SDK tools will provide that developers may use and incorporate into their own applications. For use with particular platforms or programming languages, SDKs are created.

MAP Protocol 💙MAPO Services Layer(MOS)
With the creation of Ethereum, many other cryptocurrencies emerged with similar blockchains and hetereogenous blockchains that allowed people to launch and run DApps. As cryptocurrency advanced, need arose for several blockchain dApps to interact with each other to provide combined quality services. That is where we have the invention of cross-chain bridges, oracles and swap protocols. This was not efficient enough as it limited and it’s still limiting some functionalities since the communication between different blockchains is not efficient. This takes us to the MAPO Omnichain future.

structure of the MOS layer

The MOS assists dApp developers in creating applications as in the Android environment, comparable to Google Mobile Services.
• Contains data distributed in vaults on each chain as well as a messenger program for message transmission between chains.
• The omnichain asset and data in the execution layer.
• DApp developers can leverage MOS or construct their own components.

Developers of dApps deploy, run, and manage the Messenger Program SDK. DApp creators can also freely and independently reward messenger contributors for sending omnichain messages and assets on their behalf. The messenger is responsible for the interaction between chains.

You may wonder, what if the messenger programs are breached, won’t it condemn the whole structure leading to infiltrations in other chains?
Good thing to consider but be certain Security is one of the prior features of MAPO omnichain infrastructure. The Light-self-verification client’s mechanism on the MAP Protocol Layer ensures that messenger-based harmful attacks are invalid.

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